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Steven Wu
Steven Wu is a first-generation Chinese immigrant who has lived in the United States for most of his adult life. Unable to make up his mind about what he wanted to do when he grew up, he decided to never grow up and to never settle on a single career. As a result of his indecision, he has worked in tech, been a lawyer, illustrated book covers and tabletop RPGs, and written books and games. None of these roles could have prepared him for his greatest and most gratifying challenge: being a father.
A life-long student, Steven is constantly working to improve at everything he does. His current habits include creating one illustration or drawing per day, and consuming as many interesting books as possible. His bad habits include too many video games and too much good food. As he has gotten older, he's also finally starting to appreciate the sublimity of a good night's sleep.
He currently resides in New Jersey, after a not-so-brief stint in Louisville, Kentucky (pronounced "Loo-uh-vul").