UA-135136427-1 GM Palmer
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GM Palmer

G.M. Palmer is a disabled, queer, cyborg writer living with his wife and daughters on a poodle farm in North Florida. He enjoys building guitar amps and recording songs with his band Girl Scout Fight Club. His translation of Catullus's infamous "Carmen 16" in Penguin's The Poetry of Sex thoroughly offended Germaine Greer. Called the Lester Bangs of poetry criticism, his poetry and prose can be found at The Hopkins Review, Literary Matters, Goliad, Grub Street Grackle, #InternationalPoetryCircle, Monologging, Trop, Tahoma Literary Review, Rat’s Ass Review, Burlesque Press, Fried Chicken and Coffee, The Raintown Review, Everse Radio, and elsewhere. His book Olyver Currant was released from Art City Books; No Fairy Queen, a fantasy coloring poetry book, is available from Happy Tapir Press; and his collection With Rough Gods is available from Jagged Door Press. Follow him on Twitter @GM_Palmer.

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