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Olena Jennings

Olena Jennings is the author of the biofic novel about Anna Akhmatova, Temporary Shelter (Cervena Barva Press, 2021); the poetry collection Songs from an Apartment, and the chapbook Memory Project (both from Underground Books). Lost Horse Press will release a new original poetry collection The Age of Secrets, in Fall 2022. Her translation from Ukrainian of Vasyl Makhno’s collection Paper Bridge will be released by Plamen Press in late 2022; Glagoslav Publications released Absolute Zero in 2020, translated from the Ukrainian of author Artem Chekh, with Oksana Lutsyshyna; and Lost Horse Press released Pray to the Empty Wells co-translated with Iryna Shuvalova in 2019. Olena guest edited the Spring ’22 (Issue 16) of the KGB Bar Lit Journal, and her own poetry has been published in ApofenieSensitive SkinMonologging, and elsewhere. She is the founder and curator of Poets of Queens, a reading series and small press. She holds an MFA from Columbia University and an MA in Ukrainian literature from the University of Alberta.

Photo Credit: Iryna Sosnovska.

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