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Winston Pei
Because he figured why not double down and answer the question "what can you do with TWO English degrees", Winston started, and eventually completed, both a BA and an MA in English at the University of Alberta. His resulting "career" has thus far meandered through corporate communications, graphic design, publishing, post-secondary advancement, change management, software implementation, user training, technology, arts management, community-building, and coffee. His current active portfolio includes working as the Digital Content Strategist for the University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering, serving as President of the Kokopelli Choir Association, and being the proud dad of three young adult humans. Winston hopes to one day figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. "Author" has heretofore not been on the list of possibilities, but then neither were any of the other things he's ended up doing. He remains optimistic.
Twitter: @winstonpei