UA-135136427-1 SUBMIT KATHRYN | The Rights Factory
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How to Submit to Kathryn:


Thank you for your interest in working together.


I am currently open to nonfiction queries—please see my bio for more about my list.

I am open to literary fiction and science fiction queries for the month of October.

All queries can be emailed to:


Please include:

·        the word “Query” in your subject line

·        a query letter that provides an overview of your project, including the title, category, and (estimated) word count

·        a bio and 15 pages of sample writing


For nonfiction, I welcome full proposals but do not require them—a query letter and sample writing are sufficient.

Due to the volume of queries, I generally only respond when I’m interested in reading more (although I do look at all queries). If I haven’t been in touch after 45 days, please assume this is a pass.

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